There are only 26 episodes of Gakuen Alice. And no, there will not be a 27th one made
Anime rocks
There are 167 episodes.
Thirteen episodes
There are 12 episodes
There are 26 episodes.
It has 26 episodes.
The anime series "Gakuen Alice" has 26 episodes .
26 episodes
In total, there is 26 episodes.
there is 26 episodes and there will sadly never be more than that.
There are 26 episodes in the anime....... sadly
No. In season one, there are many episodes. I tried to research that, but they prove that there's no Gakuen Alice Season 2.
Anime series runs into 201 episodes for 4 seasons. Yorinuki Gintama-san is a series of repeat telecasts of the earlier episodes that is currently ongoing (as of Sep 2010).
She played 'Esmeralda' in 16 episodes.
you can watch it free at :>
Alice Kramden was originally played by Pert Kelton in the Honeymooner sketches on the 'Jackie Gleason Show'. Audrey Meadows played Alice in all of the "Honeymooner" TV show episodes.
There has been no season 2 episodes and there probably will never be :(