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They made 3 films: Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954), Revenge of the Creature (1955), and The Creature Walks Among Us (1956)

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Q: How many creature from the black lagoon films did they make?
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In Magic the Gathering how can you make a red creature card count as black as well?

I don't think it's a way to make it black before you've cast it (you can make it colorless by using Mycosynth Lattice). But when your creature is on the battlefield you can make it black until the end of the turn with alot of diffrent cards, there is probably a card that you can enchant it with so it becomes black.

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Make-up artist and creature creator Rick Baker is one of the world's leading "gorilla suit" makers. He has created such animatronic performer suits for films like King Kong (1977), Greystoke, and Harry and the Hendersons. He also created spectacular werewolf make-ups for An American Werewolf In London (for which he won an Oscar) and The Wolfman re-make.

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First your creatures name. Then where your creature lives. Then what your creature eats. Then tell what they like. Then tell what your creature did to you. Tip:Make it a made up creature.

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Robert Angell has written: 'How to Get into Films and TV' 'Getting into Films & Television' 'Films and TV: The Way in' 'How to Make It in Films and TV'

In spore how do you fight other creature on ds?

swipe the creature with your sylis but what I want to know is what is the best creature you can make when first started

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A phone. Definitely a phone.

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Usually 2 films