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Q: How many commercial breaks are there in a 1 hour tv show?
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How many commercial breaks are there in a 1 hour prime time tv show?

0 minutes on BBC TV in UK. Isn't that great!

How long are the commercial breaks during this show?

average 4 minutes

What is the Christmas song played during show breaks?

depends what commercial

What is commmercial free?

That would be a showing of a program with no commercial breaks whatsoever. The commercials are shown before, and after the show.

How many commercials are show on an average commercial break?

A typical TV show is usually approximately 22 minutes for every 1/2 hour of time. So each 1/2 hour show has 8 minutes or so of commercials. Double this for 1 hour shows (16 minutes of commercials for every hour).

Why was the show kyle xy cancelled?

Because not enough people were watching it for the advertisers to find it worthwhile to advertise during the commercial breaks. That is why every show is canceled.

How many minutes in a half hour of TV show?

Obviously an hour long.

Is Amy duncans new baby a girl or a boy?

She is having a boy. The commercial during the hour show, showed that the baby is a boy.

What is the animated atom used during the commercial breaks on the big bang theory tv show?

It's either a heavy isotope of helium or a positive lithium ion.

Does coronation street have two breaks?

the first half of corrie comes on for half. an hour then they have a break and another show will come on for 30-45mins then the next half of corrie will come on for half an hour :) big corrie fan

How many minutes of commercials in a half hour show?


How many commercials do they show between segments?

It depends on the length of the ads, and how many segments per show, but there are 8 minutes of commercials in a half hour show