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Lind-Waldcock was founded in 1965 by Barry Lind and Jack Waldcock. Since its inception, the brokerage company has gone through several changes, including its acquisition by Refco Group LTd. Therefore, Lind-Waldcock no longer has any children companies, per se, but is part of a larger group of firms.

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Where can you find a biography of Lind Waldock?

You can try searching for a biography of Lind Waldock in libraries, bookstores, or online book retailers. You may also find information about him on financial websites, historical archives, or through academic sources.

What is the reputation of Lind Waldock?

Lind WAldock is a full service style financial service or broker. The reputation in generally quite good but you will always find reviews from disgruntled users who lost money.

What does Lind Waldock do for a living?

The most popular entity with the name Lind Waldock is a brokerage firm that specializes in individual traders. The company offers many investment products and caters to the needs of each individual.

Is there a location for Lind Waldock in New Jersey?

No, Lin Waldock does not have a location in New Jersey. The company is headquartered in Chicago, IL, and is primarily an online, wireless trade service.

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The answer is yes, Lind Waldock specializes in the training of first time traders, providing them with valuable information one should know. He strives on educating first time traders with as much kowledge of trading he can provide.

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