In the version I read there were 1008 pages not counting the appendixes, which are several hundred pages long.
The first ever Lord of the Rings movie was The Lord of the Rings (1978), but of the trilogy starting in 2001, the first movie was called The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
The Hobbit is set about 60 years before most of the events in The Lord of the Rings.The Hobbit was published in 1937. The Lord of the Rings did not come out for over 20 years after that. It took Tolkien a long time to write the follow up.
Lord of the rings is not based on a true story.
because he is a member of the house of lords
The White Council is composed of Eldar Lords and Wizards from Middle Earth .
The Lord of Lords wrote the song Lord of Lords dipwad.
There are 3: 1. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Well, there are lots of Lords. There's the Dark Lords, you know, Lord Voldemort, Lord Vader, Lord Sugar, Lord Morgoth, Lord Sauron, Lord Palpetine, Lord Sidious. But that's about it.
The Sindarin people of the Horse-lords called themselves the Eorlingas. Riddermark is what they called their homeland.
The Rohirrim are the people of Rohan. These were the horse lords, led by King Theoden in The Two Towers and The Return of the King.
As with many words, "lord" has more than one meaning.
Lord of the Rings is not the name of a song, there are many pieces of music in the movies.
The plural possessive form of "lord" is "lords'."
If you are talking about Lord of the Rings Online there are many differences. Lord of the rings has many different characters, classes, quests, and many other things. The graphics are also very different. In my opinion world of warcraft has more cartoony graphics than lord of the rings online.
The World According to Garp has 609 pages.
The main antagonist through out The Lord of the Rings trilogy is the Sauron (aka the Lord of the Rings, literally). However, there is also Saruman of Many Colors to be reckoned with, as well as the nine Nazgul.The main antagonist through out the Lord of the Rings trilogy is the Sauron (aka the Lord of the Rings, literally). However, there is also Saruman of Many Colors to be reckoned with, as well as the nine Nazgul.