With Batman and paint
By Iron Man do you mean an iron golem? To build one, make a two-block high 1x1 tower of iron blocks, and two on either side for arms, then place a carved pumpkin on the two-block tall 1x1 tower, and it will transform into an iron golem.
If you want to make a Snow Golem, place two sm=now blocks down to make a 1x1 tall, two-block high tower, and place a carved pumpkin on that. The snow golem will cover any ground it touches with snow.
Well minecraft doesn't really have Iron Man in it unless your talking about a mod or a pixel art
Super Spider Man was a 1970s version of the popular Spider-Man comics. It followed the adventures of three superheroes Spider-Man, Thor, and Iron Man.
yes there will be a trilogy of iron man's but terrence howard is out because he couldn't agree on a deal so don cheadle will play rhodey
he is the director of iron man
The gay Indian in Little Big Man was called Little Horse.
swamp+life=man no swamp+life=bacteria
some people have used man and milk or diamond and flower
To make a mushroom on alchemy,just add earth+algea.
man + livestock
life and earth
Man + sex
Man and tool