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Q: How long was Bella gone from her dad from twilight?
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If you mean Bella's dad in Twilight, how do you think Bella became... Charlie is her dad... get it yet...

What is the dad called in twilight?

In the Twilight series, the dad's name is Charlie Swan. He is Bella Swan's father.

Is Bella a vegatrain in the Twilight Series?

no she is not a vegetarian. she cooks steak for her and her dad in the twilight series.

Who plays Bella's dad in the movie twilight?

Billy Burke

How long does Bella stay in Phoenix in twilight?

Bella has stayed in Phoenix her whole life but when she was little she used to go to Forks in her summer holidays to visit her Dad. She is very upset about leaving but she is happy to see her dad.

Where do Bella's mom and step dad move to in twilight?

Jacksonville, Flordia

Who plays Bella Swan dad in the movie twilight?

billy Burke

Is charlie the moms real daughter?

No in Twilight Charlie is Bella's dad.

Who did Mr. Swan buy Bella's truck from in twilight?

Jacobs dad

In twilight what is Bella's real dads job?

Bella's biological dad works as the sheriff of the town of Forks.

What are some notes about Bella in twilight?

some notes about Bella in twilight : shes quiet ,LOVES edward,she moves with her dad to forks,and she goes to prom with edward.

In twilight did Bella's dad buy the truck from billy?

Yes, in Twilight, Bella's dad bought the truck from Billy Black, who is Jacob Black's father. Billy Black sold the truck to Charlie Swan for Bella's use in Forks.