Once in a Lifetime - Gregorian song - was created on 1991-11-10.
The Lifetime movie network is on channel 140 or channel 640 for HD. Lifetime are a cable company who specialize in TV, movies, drama and sitcom programmes.
Not in my lifetime
harrison ford
In his lifetime Mike Henry has achieved fame as an actor. Mike Henry is an American who was born in 1964. He is well known as a writer and voice artist on Family Guy.
the tortoise did
One lifetime
A lifetime.
No. Lifetime is a noun (entire life, or hyperbolically "a long time"). It is also used as an adjective (lifetime guarantee, lfetime membership). There is no adverb form.
To protect our country. For many senators a lifetime is about 3 times too long.
Acting can be a lifetime job as long as you are successful. However, for many, they are not capable of doing so.
means.... as long as you live the item has to last that long too!!
in a catelog
a lifetime
14 hours a day
One lifetime