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the setting is where the book takes place also what time and date where the characters are from may be the same answer but also it maybe there home town

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Q: How is the setting of lord of the flies different from where the characters are from?
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What is the setting of Lord of the Flies different than where the characters lived?

Thats not proper english try again.

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Does anyone from Lord of the Flies have kids?

no, because the characters are all children?

Identify all the character in the Lord of the Flies?

Some key characters in "Lord of the Flies" include Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon, and Roger. These characters represent different aspects of society and human nature, which are explored throughout the novel.

Who is the protagonist in the lord of flies?

The main characters of Lord of the Flies are Ralph, Simon, Jack, The Hunters, Piggy, and Samneric. The other characters are The littleluns, Maurice, Robert, Percival Wemys Madison, Johnny, and Henry.

Which characters in Lord in the Flies are twins?

Sam and Eric. Collectively called Samneric.

What are some books where the setting is important?

"Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien, where the richly detailed world of Middle-Earth plays a crucial role in the story. "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë, where the isolated and wild setting of the Yorkshire moors reflects the tumultuous emotions of the characters. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, where the opulent and decadent setting of the Jazz Age Long Island serves as a backdrop for the themes of excess and disillusionment.

What are examples of point of view in Lord of the Flies?

Lord of the Flies is in 3rd person limited point of view. For example, during the scene where Simon is talking to the pig head carcass, the "Lord of the Flies", you never see inside the head of Simon as he's having his seizure, such as when he lifts his head up. Nor could you see the emotion of different characters at different situations; you could only see dialogue.

How did the characters in Lord of the Flies get to the island?

a plane crash and it may have been hit by a bomb

What are the two boys names?

The two main characters of Lord of the Flies are Ralph and Piggy.

How does the setting and atmosphere desribe in lord of the flies?

"Lord of the Flies" is set on a deserted tropical island, creating a sense of isolation and vulnerability for the characters. The atmosphere is ominous and tense as the boys struggle to maintain order and sanity in the face of their deteriorating situation. The lush landscapes and changing weather mirror the shifts in power and morality among the boys.

How do set up an essay on Lord of the Flies on Civilization VS Savagery?

To set up an essay comparing Civilization vs. Savagery in "Lord of the Flies," introduce the main themes of the novel and provide a brief summary of the plot. Then, outline how the characters represent either civilization or savagery through their actions and decisions. Lastly, discuss the consequences of these opposing forces in the story and its broader implications.