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probaly by the control box

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Q: How is the rov argo controlled?
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What was the ships name that found the titanic?

No - the ARGO is an unmanned, towed camera sled (Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)) that was used to locate the wreckage site of the Titanic. The U.S. Navy Deep Submergence Vehicle Alvin (DSV-2) , along with another smaller ROV named Jason Jr., was used to explore and document the wreckage.The difference in definition is that submarines and DSV's are manned vessels, while ROV's are remotely controlled tethered robots.

What does rov submarine stand for?

ROV stands for "Remote Operated Vehicle". ROV's are not submarines by definition, since they are robots controlled by tether, by an operator stationed on a support vessel.

When was the first ROV developed?

the first ROV was developed in 1953

How have people explored the shipwreck of the Titanic?

Titanic has been explored through the use of ROV's (Remotely-operated vehicles). These are controlled from manned submersibles.

How does the pilot of a ROV communicate with the ROV?

ROV means remotely operated underwater vehicle, so the pilot isn't in the machine. The pilot is sitting at a control panel on a ship nearby.

What boy got hit by an Argo player at the Argo practice?

Argo? What the hell is argo? And what are they practicing? Witchcraft? There is a question for you to answer!

What is an rov?

Remotely operated vehicle

Can ROV go deeper 2 miles underwater?

The deepest ROV has been down to depths of around 6Km or 3.75 miles.

In the movie the abyss what kind of marine technology is little geek?

The ROV in the movie The Abyss was a Mini Rover ROV which was designed and built by Chris Nicholson of Deep Sea Systems in Falmouth, MA in 1984. It was 26 inches long and weighed 55 pounds. The Mini Rover ROV was the world's first small, low cost ROV. Its original price was about $28,000 at a time when the next lowest cost ROV was priced at $100,000.

What was the ship named of Jason and the argonauts?

The Argo was Jason's ship, and those who sailed on her were called Argonauts. A link can be found below for more information.

Is argo a gas?

Argo is not a gas but Argon is.

What was jasons vessel called?

argo argo