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the Conch is destroyed along with Piggy

Page 181 " The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploding into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist."

Piggy is holding it up for order, and then Rodger leans all his weight onto the lever, than causes a bolder to fall; killing Piggy, the symbol for the adult world, and destroying the conch, the symbol for civilization. Jack then states that since there is no conch, then their tribes doesn't exist, he then proceeds to declare himself chief and tries to kill Ralph with his spear.

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Q: How is the conch destroyed in the Lord of the Flies?
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In "Lord of the Flies," the character named Piggy finds the conch.

What happends to the counch shell lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch shell symbolizes order and civilization. As the boys descend into savagery, the conch slowly loses its power and authority. Eventually, it is destroyed, signifying the complete breakdown of civilization among the boys.

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Ralph blows the conch to call meetings in "Lord of the Flies." The conch becomes a symbol of authority and order on the island.

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The conch (Shell)

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What is the conch linked with in Lord of the Flies?

It represents authority.

When does the conch start to fade in lord of the flies?

At penis

What does the conch symbolize in "Lord of the Flies"?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch symbolizes order, civilization, and democracy. It represents the boys' ability to maintain a sense of unity and organization on the island.

What do the boys have that is a symbol of authority in lord of the flies?

The conch shell serves as a symbol of authority in "Lord of the Flies." The person holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, signifying order and democracy among the boys on the island.

When does the conch in lord of the flies break?

The conch in "Lord of the Flies" breaks when Piggy is killed by Roger, who pushes a large rock that strikes Piggy and shatters the conch. This moment symbolizes the loss of order and civilization on the island.