Nagarjun is belong to Madhubani district of Bihar. The region in which Madhubani is situated Known as Mithila. Mithila consist of Madhubani, Sitamadhi, Darbhanga, Samastipur. The oringinal name of Nagarjun is Vaidhyanath Mishra.
No, they are not related in any way.
If they are related, they are distantly related.
No! He is not Related to Brittany Olsen!! But he is related to ME!!
They are not related.
No. They are not related.
Nagarjun. has written: 'Ugrataara' 'Abhinandan'
Nagarjun was born on 1911-06-30.
Nagarjun died on 1998-11-05.
Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park was created in 2002.
The area of Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park is 159 square kilometers.
Rafiath Rashid Mithila was born in 2012-02.
Lalit Narayan Mithila University was created in 1972.
As per Ramayan, she belongs to 'Mithila'. That is why she is also called 'maithili'. In present world, Mithila is in NEPAL.
Madhubani paintings or Mithila paintings are a folk art of the Mithila region. The Mithila region includes the north of Bihar and the eastern Terai of Nepal. Madhubani paintings are traditionally done by women painters from the mithila region. They live in a small society, and every mother teaches her daughter the art of making Madhubani paintings.