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Heroin is the diacetyl salt of morphine C17H17NO or (C3H302)2. It is white, odorless and highly addictive. heroin is an illegal substance in the US, Europe and many other countries. Owning, selling, or producing heroin in any form is against the law. The information supplied below is intended to provide a scientific understanding of the biochemical changes involved in transforming opium to heroine.

Heroine is made in several different ways but they all come back to a single base- Morphine. Morphine comes from Opium, the resinous substance found inside the fruit of the opium poppy. Once the opium is harvested, its three main alkaloids (alkaloids are basically a biochemical found in plants) are separated into:

  1. Morphine
  2. Codeine
  3. Thebaine.

Morphine and Codeine are the only two alkaloids which can be converted into Heroin. Thebaine is the base for bupenephrine which is a very strong narcotic pharmacologically and is mostly used in the treatment of opiate/opiod addiction.

While Codeine cannot be directly converted into heroin it can be converted into morphine sulfate. These sulfates are then removed making a morphine freebase and then converted into heroin. The actual conversion process of morphine to heroine is not for amateurs and must only be conducted in a laboratory setting.

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14y ago

A Heroine is a principal young female character of a story or drama. A position obtained by training coupled with dedication. If you mis-spelt the word and mean Heroin, we dont know, dont want to know, and neither should you.

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