Stan Walker is 25 years old as of June 2016 since he was born on October 23, 1990 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
All i know is that Stan Walker has 1 kids but he had it with his EX------------------------ Stan Walker did have a daughter with his ex-girlfriend but she had a miscarriage.
Stan Walker's net worth is $2,000,000. His annual salary is $242,000.
maybe but it is a rumor
between 5'9 and 5 ft 10
Stan Walker's brother's name is Mike, Ross , his sister in-law Tammy , but i dont know the rest... sorry about that
how mant brothers does stan walker have
Stan Walker was born on October 23, 1990.
Stan Walker has a girlfriend. Her name is Taya Smith :)
Stan Walker's girlfriend's name is Taya Smith.
All i know is that Stan Walker has 1 kids but he had it with his EX------------------------ Stan Walker did have a daughter with his ex-girlfriend but she had a miscarriage.
Stan Walker said Beyonce Knowles was the person who influenced him.
Introducing Stan Walker was created on 2009-12-07.
Stan Walker's net worth is $2,000,000. His annual salary is $242,000.
Please see Stan Walker's official website and Stan Walker Official Fan Forum on the links below. COME JOIN!
Stan Walker will be touring New Zealand in February 2011.
Stan walker