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Gandalf gathered the party and gave them their mission. He died to save them, and fell into the depths of Moria. He came back to life as a Maia, which was an angelic type creature in human form. He reappeared through the story when the party was in their greatest times of need.

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Q: How is Gandalf the white in lord of the rings a christ figure?
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The basic background behind the character Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings Series is that he is a wizard. He is initially called Gandalf the Grey but after resurrecting he is then referred to Gandalf the White.

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Gandalf Note: There are a number of elves who could fit that description (maybe with blonde hair), including Legolas, but Gandalf did not have a bow and arrow.

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There are a sufficent number of wizards in literature and myth that I would need to know which set of stories or mythologies you are referring to. If you are referring to the Lord of the Rings, for example, you have Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Saruman (all different manifestations of Gandalf), and Sauron.

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