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nobody (apart from the writers and the directer and Matt Groening etc) really knows the reason Bart is so naughty. many people say it is because he seeks attention. Others say it is merely a delight, people like a rebel in things now, they make things more amusing. Imagine The Simpsons without Bart being so naughty, it would still be a good show but it would defiantly lose lots of viewer's. One more suggestion of why Bart is so naughty is because that's how kids are. many people say the Simpsons is trying to be as like a average American family, in most families (not just in America) there is most defanatly a naughty child. hope i helped!

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13y ago
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14y ago

The Show itself is aimed for kids , so Groening thought kids would like rude humor.

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12y ago

A Trickster is someone who disobey rules/ conventional behavior. Bart likes to play practical jokes on people for no reason but a good laugh.

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He's not bad, he's just drawn that way.

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