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I'm not sure about WWE ones, but the ones at the company I work for are quite heavy.

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14y ago
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14y ago

From what I understand the titles, as WWE does not use the term belt on air anymore, weigh from 20 to 35 lbs depending on which championship it is.

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15y ago

The wwe belt is between 22 and 23 pounds

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13y ago

840 pounds

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Q: How heavy are WWE belts?
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Are WWE belts heavy to hold?

yes they are they weigh up to 20 pounds

Is there WWE belts in Sydney?

yes there are wwe belts in sydney

What is the best WWE belt you can get have in the WWE?

The World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Championship are tied for the best title to hold. They're the primary belts. The Intercontinental and US belts are secondary belts yea the world heavyweight and wwe championship are the primary belts u.s intercontinental are the secondary belts

Who makes the belts for WWE?

Dave Millican Belts

What are the 17 retired WWE belts?

The hardcore belt, the European heavy weight, the million dollar belt, wcw belt, the classic world heavy weight, the light weight heavy weight belt, and the wcw heavy weight.

Where can one find pictures of WWE championship belts?

A search on Photobucket yields many pictures of WWE championship belts. Wikipedia also has images of championship belts. Lastly, the official WWE website has pictures of championship belts, as well as replicas for sale.

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Where can you get free WWE foam belts?

your local wallmart or wwe

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