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The series ends with breaking dawn. In the end they have a baby, Renesme, and are happily married. Bella discovers her love for Jacob though she loves Edward more. Their baby is said to be a vampire baby. Because it is half human they did not know the risk the baby could be so the voultri and some of the wolf clan try ro kill the baby. Alice finds a half human half vampire man and proves to the voultri that the baby is no threat. They leave them alone. They go back to Forks and live happily ever after and Bella becomes a vampire.

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15y ago
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13y ago

I don't think people should tell you that. You should read the books. They r reallllly good. And don't expect to get an answer you want all the time on this. Its reality. Have you read any of them????

^ Horrible grammar and spelling. Must be a tween. Note to people wanting to know the answer to this question: It's an unoriginal, boring-ass ending where Edward and Bella live happily ever after. And the books are not that great. Unless you're a preteen, I would suggest investing your time into something with more worth like, say, Ishamel by Daniel Quinn or For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway.

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16y ago

Read it yourself. xD

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