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The setting affects the boys a great deal. They are on a tropical island with a readily available supply of fresh water and a plentiful supply of fruit to eat. The weather is generally dry and warm, when it isn't hot. The boys even have a safe natural 'bathing pool' to swim in, the island is almost a tropical paradise with everything you could want. And that is the problem. There is no urgency to build shelters when the weather is warm and dry. It doesn't matter that it takes Jack's hunters a long time to actually kill a pig, not when there is fruit freely available. Why bother collecting water in coconut shells when the stream is nearby? Why bother walking to the rocks when you need to go to the toilet when there are a plentiful supply of bushes to squat behind? Why bother keeping a signal fire going in order to get rescued? What is the urgency when you're having fun and doing just what you want to do? Why do you even want to be rescued? On a less friendly island, with less in the way of food and less pleasant weather conditions, the boys might have been forced to work as a team to build shelters and organise a food supply. But with everything so easily available they had time on their hands to do other things, and as the old saying goes, "the devil finds work for idle hands."

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When Jack leaves Ralph's group to form his own tribe he declares to the boys who have joined him, and I quote... "And another thing. We shan't dream so much down here. This is near the end of the island." From this we can gather that the lush jungle and mirages of the shelter area have become associated in the mind of Jack, at least, with imagination, indolence and dreams. Jack sees in the barren rocky end of the island a return to hash reality and a renewed sense of purpose. The irony is that Jack's sense of purpose is a fantasy of playing savages, while the dreaming of being rescued at the other end of the island is their only real hope.

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It's very isolated so they have a feeling of being trapped

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Q: How does the setting in the lord of the flies influence the tone?
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