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SPM Makes Music , Using a digital recorder , and rare times a payphone.. He does it secretly.

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13y ago
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14y ago

he records it during a phone call.......if you listen to his new music you can tell he's on a phone...

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12y ago

He has a lot of connection and has a lot of power and money.

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13y ago

Probably using the toilet and sink combination for percussion, a harmonica, vocal, and, if permitted, an accoustic guitar.

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Q: How does spm make music in jail?
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What year SPM go to jail?

June of 2002

Why did spm get 45 years?

spm is in jail for 45 years because he was accused of sexualy abbusing two 14 year old girls. they have no proof of the actually fact but the dads i gussed needed money and sewed spm for it because no 1 can stand to see a different race rise up. was the pushiment unfair u get 25- to life for murder uslay get out arround 35 years for killllllling some one but i gusse it anit bad if he can still make music in jail.

Is spm in drugs?

yes because he is in prison

Who is spm and what kind of music does he play?

Carlos Coy records rap music as spm, or South Park Mexican. South Park is the area of Houston, Texas, where he was raised. He currently records music in prison.

What is SPM's age?

South Park Mexican was born as Carlos Coy in October 1970. He is currently in prison, but continues to make music.

How long has spm been in jail?

South Park Mexican (aka) Spm was 31 when he went to prison

Is spm still going to rap?

no, because he is in jail, if he gets out on parole he might, but he would be pretty old by that time

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He said he would make music no matter what, They caught him with an ipod. haha

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In what year will spm get out of jail?

carlos coy A.K.A SOUTH PARK MEXICAN was sentence to 45 years in jail right now he is 39 so he wont be rapping when he gets out he will be 84 years old spm will be getting out 2045 but unless some one wants to pay over 12 trillion dollars he will be in jail almost till death spm is in powledge prision in Texas

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