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They didn't. The books never went that far as to say if they will get married, that's what Twilight fans assumed. Breaking Dawn ended with the whole confrontation with the Volturi and the Cullens and their witnessess resolving the issue at hand: whether Renesmee was an immortal child, and if she would be a threat to humans. The Volturi left without harming anyone, and the Cullens returned to their home.

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Q: How does reneseme get married to jacobe?
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Whose the father of Reneseme?

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Is Reneseme Bella's baby?

Edward's and Bella's, yes. :]

What are the 3 important problems explained in paragraphs and breaking dawn?

Well the first thing is that Bella has to get married to Edward Cullen, which happens at the beginning of the book. Second, she has to become a vampire while giving birth to her child, Reneseme. Third, she has to convince the Volturi that Reneseme isn't dangerous, as she is not an imortal child, and will not give away the secret that vampires exist in the world. Hope this helps!