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Music has been an integral part of communities and history since as far back as the Stone Age. They "bored finger holes into animal bones to make whistles and flutes" (Norton Anthology of Western Music). Here's a picture:

Music evolved through the time periods and was still an active part of society. In the Renaissance composers like Thomas Morely and William Byrd composed court songs as entertainment for royalty. This tradition of being comissioned to compose for royalty continued through the Baroque with composers like Bach and Handel. Then in the Classical era with Mozart and Beethoven and so on. In addition the music being composed often reflected the conditions of the time period as well as its place of origin. Music is the universal language that allows us to learn from past civilizations as well as about other cultures. Music was also an important form of worship in various religions from Roman Catholics to Muslims to Buddhists.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

in ELA you read. well in music, reading the notes is just as effective as reading letters and #'s. in science music helps you because your learning about the wavelengths of each note. in phs. ed (it depends on what you play) because your moving your arm in stringed instruments and in some brass and your breath in some brass too. it can also help in language (if its foreign language). latin. some words include: adagio, forte ( i don't know how to spell it but..) accent etc. thats how music effects all subjects. (well almost all subjects).

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