Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."
Katniss does (Katniss is Primrose's sister)
Before going to blow up the food, Katniss and Rue came up with signals for each other. The signals were to tell each other that they were okay, and that they would be back soon. Rue was supposed to signal once she had lit every fire, and Katniss was supposed to signal once she had blown up the food. Katniss blew up the food and she triumphantly signaled Rue. But when she signaled, Rue did not signal back. Rue was supposed to be done her duty before Katniss. When Rue did not signal back, that was the point when Katniss knew something was wrong. Katniss tried to signal while looking for Rue in the woods, but there was no reply. Katniss found one unlit fire, and then she really knew soemthing was wrong. Eventually Rue screamed her name. Katniss found her caught in a netting trap beside one of the fires she was supposed to light. Katniss freed her, and they were getting ready to leave. But it was too late. Marvel, one of the Career tributes, speared Rue through the stomach. Katniss killed Marvel, then sang to Rue until she died. But the point when Katniss knew something was up, was when she saw one of the fires unlit, and when Rue wasn't replying to her signal.
That the girl that he has liked since kindergarten (5 years of age) is Katniss Everdeen.
Peeta and Katniss.Catching Fire revolves around Katniss's fake pregnancy with Peeta's child and their marriage. There is small Katniss/Gale mentioned, such as Gale's quick kiss with Katniss, but the main pairing is Katniss/Peeta.
I do not understand the question.
the trigger of a trap.
Rue was trapped in a net when Katniss found her.
it usses trigger hairs
Bladderworts trap their prey when their trap is triggered by prey brushing up against small trigger hairs attached to the trap door. Once the trap is triggered, it will close sucking the prey and surrounding water into the trap.
Katniss. One of her earlier attempts to kill prey.
A dependent event is one that relies on something else to happen. For instance with a mouse trap the trap closing "depends" on the trigger being activated.
You have to jump when you see the blocks (stacked) jump then go down then your done
Those are called 'triggering hairs' that do exactly what it says on the tin! They 'trigger' any movement that enters the leaf, and cause it to shut like a trap, hence the name, Venus "Flytrap".
If two trigger hairs are touched by an insect inside one of its traps, the trap will snap shut.
Yes, they will. Carnivorous plants will catch any bugs that trigger the trap, they don't care!
Those are called trigger hairs, that once stepped on, cause the trap to close.