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When she threw the apple and blew up the Careers supplies, the explosion damaged her ear.

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Q: How does katniss lose her hearing?
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What are the effects of the explosion in hunger games?

In the film, it knocks Katniss back on her feet and makes her lose her hearing temporarily. But in the book, it permanently damages her ear that after the Games ended, the Capital gave her a "prosthetic" ear

Why do you lose your hearing?

You can lose your hearing because you listened to music too loud or you're growing old.

Can timpanists get deaf or lose part of their hearing?

It is possible for a timpanists to lose their hearing over a period of time. Exposure to loud music over a long period of time can damage hearing and result in hearing loss.

How does losing hearing in on ear frighten katniss in the hunger games?

She is a hunter, so she realise on her ears.

How did Ashley Tisdale lose her hearing?

she never lost her hearing it would be on magzines it she did

What composer began to lose his hearing around age 30?

Ludwig van Beethoven began to lose his hearing quite early in life.

What sense do you lose if you get hit by lightning?

If you get hit by lightning, you could potentially lose your sense of hearing due to damage to the inner ear. This can result in temporary or permanent hearing loss.

What is the last sense of a patient who is dying will lose?

hearing is the last sense to leave

Can unexplained loss of hearing be psychosomatic?

can a major trauma cause someone to lose their hearing?

What happens to katniss in the explosion?

She loses her hearing in the ear facing the explosion, until she gets to the Capital and they fix it.

What if i can't make it to an eviction hearing?

You lose.