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Purpura is a bleeding disorder that occurs when capillaries rupture, allowing small amounts of blood to accumulate in the.tissues. In AP, this occurs because the capillaries are blocked by protein complexes formed during an abnormal immune reaction

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Q: How does bleeding occur in AP?
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Yes, bleeding can occur in some cases of UTI due to irritation and inflammation of the urinary tract.

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excess bleeding may occur only after specific, predictable events (such as surgery, dental procedures, or injury), or occur spontaneously, with no known initiating event.

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If you are pregnant and you are bleeding you need to go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) as soon ap possible.

Why does rectal bleeding occur when you sit down?

There are a few medical causes why rectal bleeding may occur when a person sits down. One reason could be hemorrhoids. A doctor will be the only person who can accurately diagnose the bleeding.

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You skipped a pill and am bleeding?

Missing a birth control pill can result in breakthrough bleeding. As the hormone level in your body drops, bleeding can occur.

When you have a UTI, can bleeding occur?

Yes, bleeding can occur with a urinary tract infection (UTI), particularly in severe cases or if the infection has spread to the kidneys. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience bleeding along with other UTI symptoms.

Can you have implantation without bleeding?

Yes, implantation can occur without any bleeding. Not all women experience implantation bleeding, which may occur when the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. If it does happen, it is typically very light and may be mistaken for a light period or spotting.

How does a bleeding occur in testicles?

If you have a lack of water, or if you cut it open, which is obvious.

What are the different types of bleeding that can occur during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are three main types of bleeding that can occur: implantation bleeding, which happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining; miscarriage bleeding, which is a sign of pregnancy loss; and placental abruption bleeding, which occurs when the placenta separates from the uterine wall before the baby is born. It is important to seek medical attention if any bleeding occurs during pregnancy.