by getting his/her art work known by the public its a good idea to enter competitions that you have a really good chance of winning, then maybe start to sell it in small shops and make a deal with the shop owner then you maybe requested then maybe discovered!
Simple....You Practice! PRACTICE! PRAACTICE! Then you meet other musicians and practice with them and bounce ideas, or go solo, and then put videos on YouTube, play every venue that will take you, play on the streets for people, CONTEST, American Idol, X Factor, The Voice, America's Got Talent, ANYTHING!!! If you truely were born to become a famous musician, then you will. Remember everyone that helped you along the way, help your family when your makin big bucks, and influence the youth Positively, NEVER GIVE UP but most importantly... Don't be scared. You have to understand that You have a God given talent and people wish they had the same so their going to Love You no matter what, just dont be a bigot and get big headed and unappreciative of your fans.... I know thats how I messed up.
The band "Thornley" is famous for their hard rock music. You can get more information about this band at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type "Thornley (band)" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
HIM is a famous Finnish band that plays rock style of music. HIM's music also has some metal style mixed into it's music. The band is still an active famous rock band.
Potentially, you could become famous by being on FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.
he became famous on youtube
yes. it is hard to become famous because there are a million people out there that want to become famous. but only one out of those a million people is going to be the chosen one.
Brokencyde started in 2006 but become a band and started to get famous in 2008.
Brokencyde started in 2006 but become a band and started to get famous in 2008.
they are awsome
because paramore is a great band....
2009. xx
Hedley became famous by their band member placing 3rd in Canadian idol, which set a good vibe for the band
become a rapper and learn to dance
Simon Cowell.
At least four.
I think they just became famous from the internet :) <---- Youtube