As of present-date, there is no clear answer to this - it has not happened yet. Though Usagi-san DOES mention that he's "ready to tell Takahiro about [their] relationship" in the manga issue #12, but nothing has given any indication on whether or not that event will actually happen anytime soon.
I personally hope so, because I think it might just help Misaki stop being SO insecure about his relationship with Usagi and help him out with his denial issues - it's pretty obvious he loves Usagi-san, in my opinion. *sigh* Only thing we can do now is wait and see what happens in the future issues! ^_^
It's never going to happen unless they find a new writer because the creator of kaze no stigma, Takahiro Yamato, died of an illness shortly after the first season was completed.
the light one is not dating no one but ben j is dating a young girl name lesa Patterson who stays in Orlando but dey always find away to talk to each other
mwahhahaahaha pervert... O_O well anyways you can go on to narutogames.com/dating game for men..................
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Correction Chilli and Usher are no longer together It is unknown right now who Chilli is dating there is talk that she is seeing alot of guys but no truth to it yet?
No she never does It kinda weird though...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------However, Naru does find out that Usagi is not normal. It is never said if she knows who Usagi is, just that she knows that she's not your average middle/high school student.
Her family never finds out in any of the seasons or movies.
The thing is.. they never did. None of their "human" parents ever existed besides Usagi and Hotaro... but Usagi's were completely clueless and Hotaro's were bat freakin crazy :] so to answer your question, they never did.
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They find out in episode 109 of Sailor Moon S
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Initially, Usagi and Seiya are simply classmates. As the series progresses, Seiya expresses a romantic interest in Usagi, which she is completely unaware (or intentionally ignorant) of. Though Usagi regards Seiya as a very good friend, it is especially apparent in the anime that Seiya wishes s/he were thought of as more. When it is revealed to one another that Usagi and Seiya are Sailor Senshi, things become tense between them; Seiya discovers the truth first, and Usagi shortly thereafter. Though Seiya/Sailor Starfighter still cares very deeply for Usagi/Sailor Moon, s/he is torn between the duty to stop Sailor Galaxia and find Princess Kakyuu and to fight alongside Sailor Moon and her Senshi. As with prior Senshi who did not initially side with her, Sailor Moon wishes the Sailor Starlights would fight alongside her, despite their methods and origins. By the time the series ends, Usagi still regards Seiya as a very good friend and ally, though Seiya still apparently has romantic feelings for her.
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really she is dating nobody but if she is we will find out