Lupita Ferrer have no children.
Lupita Infante's birth name is Lupita Infante Torrentera.
Her mother and uncle believed that it would be safer for her to travel disguised as a boy.
I think she is trying to stay out of the spotlight
Usually with Capri shorts and a love shirt you will find her reading a lightning thief book
Fabio Ornelas's birth name is Fabio Araujo Ornelas.
Hélder Ornelas was born in 1974.
Óscar Ornelas died in 2000.
Óscar Ornelas was born in 1920.
Arban Ornelas is 5' 6".
Laura Ornelas is 5' 2".
Monique Ornelas is 5' 3".
Jaime Ornelas Camacho was born in 1911.
Enrique Ornelas was born on 1980-08-17.
The last name Ornelas is believed to be Spanish in origin. The name Ornelas is derived from the old Roman word 'orne' which means eagle.
Fernando de Ornelas was born on 1976-07-29.