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Sarah&Suzy say:Dawn is 10-ish year old who starts traveling with Ash and Brock. She's from TwinLeaf Town in Sinnoh. She's not a gym battler though; she's following her mother's (Johanna) steps to becoming the top coordinater. She appears in season 10; the first episode "Following a Maiden's Voyage" when she met Ash; it's all because she had his pikachu. She found it and saved it from Team Rocket. That's how Ash and Dawn met. Dawn has blue hair, blue eyes, pink/black dress (very short), pink boots with black socks, red scarf, and a hat with a pink pokeball on it. Her hair is styled by a ponytail being split in two and bringing it forward to her face and cliping it in fron of her ears with yellow triangular clips. Her personality is very bubbly and is very girlish for she likes participating in contests and wearing dresses. In the Pokemon Pearl, Diamond or Platinum games she is one of the two playable players (boy/girl; Lucas/Dawn). If playing the boy she is the assistant of Profesor Rowan.

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17y ago

You meet Riley on Iron Island. You talk to the sailor below the city gym in Canalave and he'll give a ride.

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13y ago

after you beat the game she will always be in front on the Professor's building and not do anything else besides show you how to use a certain item

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