She and Edward made a bargain that if she married him then he would try and have sex with her. So after they got married they went on their honeymoon and they had sex 3 times that is how she got pregnant.
Bella & Edward marry and have sex while Bella is still human. The baby is born 1/2 human, 1/2 vampire.. and that is her saving grace it is a girl and they named her rennesmee shes so cute and she hasthose vampire eyes
the only reason that vampires cant have children is because your body needs to change to have children, and vampires cant change, they are the same forever. Bella on the other hand is human, so she would be able to. you should have seen Edwards face. priceless.
love always nickolse
I assume that you are referring to the book "Breaking Dawn," the last installment of the "Twilight" saga. On Edward and Bella's honeymoon at Isle Esme, Bella asks if they can have sex, and Edward accidentally gets her pregnant. Bella became pregnant the same way that any other person becomes pregnant. She had sex. Because she was still human when she and Edward did it, they had a mutant half-vampire baby.
When Edward found out Bella was gonna have his baby. He didn't think about that baby, but only about the fact the Bella was in danger. Throughout the time she's carrying the baby, he mostly hates "it". But as soon as he hears the baby's mind, and he sees that the baby loves Bella too, he can't hait it anymore. And of course, when shes born, he loves her like a father! ;)
At first, he wants Bella to have an abortion because he was afraid of what would happen. But Bella refuses and has Rosalie protect her..but then, as he can start to hear the baby inside Bella, he really wants to be a father and have the baby, but it could kill Bella......
idon't know when Rosalie will ever decide to 'protect' Bella..unless you're referring to when Bella had a baby in breaking dawn she only liked her then because of Renesme.
Bella almost dies in Breaking Dawn because when Edward and Bella go on there Honeymoon they have sex, and after 2 weeks on holiday Bella finds out she is pregnant, then the baby is developing at a rapid pace to quick for normal, so they call Carlisle to let him know and Carlisle orders them to come home quickly, when Carlisle examines Bella, they are told the baby is half vampire and half human, after a month of pregnancy, Bella stomach is the size of someone who has been pregnant for nine months, so Carlisle has to get Bella to give birth other wise Bella will die and so will the baby, so as Bella is giving birth, the baby breaks almost every bone it passes and Bella looses loads of blood, so to save her Edward has to inject venom it to her heart to make her turn into a vampire quicker, after that the baby is fine and Bella is fine because she is a vampire and they live almost happily ever after.....
Bella has Edwards baby.
Bella has her baby in the Cullen's House.
no bella didnt even have a baby
Bella's baby Renesmee did live
No, he saves both Bella and her baby!
Bella and Edward's baby is called Renesmée
Edward had to get the baby out of Bella because the baby would have suffocated no matter what.
on her left breast Bella requests that Edward hand her the baby and he lays Renesme on Bella's chest. It is while Bella is holding the baby that the baby bites her on the chest.
Bella's baby's name is renesseme
the baby grows constantly until she is about Bella's age(:
Yes Bella and Edward have a baby....
Bella did.