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Maps of the Roswell crash sites can be found at the related links below.

Actual directions to all three of the crash sites are listed below, but it is best to contact either the UFO Museum or the Roswell UFO Festival for tours.

1) Ragsdale Site: Four-wheel drive required. From US 285 turn west on

Pine Lodge Rd. end travel 45 miles. Just past Mile Marker 33 is a sign for Boy Scout Mtn. Turn onto Forest Rd. 130 and drive 3.7 miles. Turn left onto a Jeep road and drive a little more than a mile. You will cross a creek, climb a hill and see a stone campfire ring on the left at the crest of the hill. Follow a short trail to the rock, which is about 5 feet tall and is split in two.

2) Brazel Site: From Corona, go east on NM 247 and just past Mile Marker 17, turn right at the Corona Compressor Station sign. The site is about 16 miles southeast of the turnoff. It is on Bureau of Land Management property, which is open to the public but reaching the site requires passing through private ranch land, which is fenced and gated.

3) Corn Site: Drive north from Roswell on US 285. You will see a large sign advertising the crash site on the west side of the road about 20 miles north of town. The site sits about eight miles from US 285 on private land. It is closed to all but organized tours.

If you know how to locate map coordinates, the debris field on the former Foster Ranch that was located by ranch-hand Mac Brazel is centered near 33º56.35'N, 105º18.41'W. The alleged Ragsdale crash site is located at 33º37.38'N, 105º13.60'W.

The Roswell UFO Museum

The best way to obtain information on how to visit the actual crash site is to directly contact the International UFO Museum and Research Center 114 North Main Street, Box 2221 Roswell, NM 88202-2221 Phone (505) 625-9495 or see the website link below. If you don't mind the crowds, a good time to go is during the 2010 Roswell UFO Festival, which will occur between July 1-4, 2010 and they also arrange tours.

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