Terra Jole is 4' 2".
Terra Marine's birth name is Terra Marine Luebsen.
they call him "wee man"
Miguel Ventura Terra died in 1919.
The duration of Bbuddah... Hoga Terra Baap is 1.92 hours.
You will get a bronze crown and those little blue thing
The duration of Battle for Terra is 1.5 hours.
Battle for Terra was created on 2007-08-08.
Watch battle for terra @ http://moviemaxlinks.110mb.com/
buy a new 60 gb ps3..
Language is but not the subtitles
Terra is unlocked as a secret boss after defeating the final boss fight, Xemnas, and saving your game since you're now able to save after the battle. Terra appears at Disney Castle's Hall of the Cornerstone.
it is kingdom hearts 2 final mix, why?
august 14 2010
Yes, Danny Glover did appear in Battle for Terra. The film was released in 2007.He played the role of President Chen.
all slugs
Kingdom Hearts 2 Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (extended version of KH2) KH2FM is only available in Japan though, but you if you manage to get KH2FM, use Swap Magic 3.8 (the one with the 2 cd's and the sliding tool) in order to play KH2FM.