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go for a walk.things will be better in the morning,somethings you are better off not knowing.

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Q: How do you tie a hang mans nuce?
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Ted Nuce was born on 1986-01-18.

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Do you mean this one? : Do your ears hang low Do they wobble to and fro Can you tie them in a knot Can you tie them in a bow Can you throw them over your shoulder Like a continental soldier Do your ears hang low

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There is no rule natural or otherwise

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do your ears hang low do they wobble to and frow can u tie them in a knot can u tie them in a bow can u throw'em over your shoulders like a continentil soldior do your ears hang low!

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Magnetism from the iron ore beneath it

Would you hang a tie dye shirt?

Yes, by the neck until dead.

Do your BALLS hang low do they wobble to and fro,can ya tie 'em in a knot,can ya tie 'em in a bow?

No, no, no, no, and no Also you are very dirty

How can you hang yourself?

Tie a rope or a strong material into a noose, tie it to a tree, put the noose end around your neck and jump from a chair.

How long should a tie hang?

A normal dress shirt tie should hang either to the top tip of the belt, or a little bit below. The idea is to cover any remaining shirt. A little long is better than too short.

Did the cavemen tie up their umbilical cords like people do now?

No they let it hang free