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Irish whip to ropes until they fall out, then keep punching and kicking them until they fall


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15y ago

you irsh whip them onto the ropes then press b (only on wii)

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Q: How do you throw someone out of the ring on battle royal WWE?
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How do you throw someone out the ring in a royal ru mble smack down vs raw 2009?

throw then at the ropes then press x and then keep pressing any buttones trinagle circle x and squre but your oponet has to be week to elemanat

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the only way to do that is to get eliminated, and I don't think you want to do that.

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only if they paused between after they throw, and they decide to exit. This prevents someone from "falling" out the back of the ring, which is a foul at every level of competition.

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Well if your talking about the battle royal on raw for the #1 contendier for the wwe chamionship John cena had to take wade barrets orders to help wade barret win and when it came to the 2 of them john cena had to walk out of the ring.

In Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 how do you throw someone out of the ring in Royal Rumble on PS2?

First, you Irish whip them with circle button and triangle button. Then when they are on the outside of the ring, you move the right stick in any direction. A meter will show up. Keep pressing all the buttons to fill up the meter and throw them out of the ring.

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You walk over grab a chair and crack him over the back.

How do you throw someone out of the ring in smackdown vs raw?

press circle and use left anlog stick and press all the buttons reapeatledy

What should you do when someone falls overboard?

(i presume you mean on a boat). first make sure there is a rope on it, then throw them a life ring. hold onto the rope and pull them back on board when they are safely in the life ring.

How do you throw Kane?

you first kick him in the intersection, then you pedigree him and lastly you throw him out of the ring.

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What is a foul throw in track and field mean?

in soccer, you have to place the ball behind your head while doing the throw in. if u place the ball over your head or in front while doing the throw in , then the referee will signal it as a foul throw.

WWF War Zone how to throw player out of ring?

The best way to throw a person out of the ring is to get to the ropes (back toword it), then use the (belly to belly suplex) when your back is toword the ropes to toss your opponet out of the ring. you have to be so close to the ring ropes to work.