When you are no longer a virgin (usually). There are the sick others that are on a different subject.
yes he is a pervert. Infact the character was created by writer Mike Henry and called the character "Herbert the Pervert"
i do not know whats going through your mind but Hidan is not a pervert, he is just a religious akatsuki member.
No, not really, people just think he is because it is like his personality, but there is no proof in the show or manga that he is a pervert. He has never done anything perverted in the show.
There is no proof that in the anime that Black*star is pervert neither in the manga. Or at least that's what I think!
Stop checking people out.
a fibula brooch is your mom and also you need to stop asking these questions, so just shut up and research fool!!!! By the way you need to stop stalking and stop being a pervert!!!!!!
You being a pervert.
You act like one!
To pervert something is to change it or corrupt it from being what was intended. A pervert on the other hand is a person that has unacceptable sexual behaviors.
A direct quote from Jiriya: "I'm not a pervert......I'm a super pervert!" So, yes. He is a pervert.
a male pervert = soteh (סוטה) a female pervert = sotah (סוטה)
He started to become a pervert around the age of 12, but he doesn't like any one, eccept a very hot looking girl.
I don't know! And get a life and stop playing moshi monster pervert!
looking at girls when they are getting changed ,mostly abusing people
'I am not a pervert'