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You cant just sign. Unless you hear of a tryout session near you, your gonna have to work. Usually most WWE superstars used to work in other wresting clubs and the Hardys got recognised working in their own. Of course if your lucky (like John Morrison) who was previously Jonny Nitro. He appeared in a reality tv show and won a contract

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

you have to ask the gernal manger

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Q: How do you sign up for WWE tough enough?
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Where they give training for WWE?

They have territories in Florida, FCW, and I believe still in Ohio, OVW, or you could try and sign up for WWE Tough Enough, which'll be back on TV in April.

How much does it cost to be on wwe?

It doesn't cost. Go on YouTube and look up WWE Tough Enough. You have to pass that. Once every 1-2 years.

Can you just sign up to be a diva instead of the WWE diva search?

No you can't just sign up it is not that easy. You have to be trained to be a wrestler and then have a tryout match or win tough enough and be offered a development contract and spend at least a year in development and that still does not guarntee you will ever be on raw or smackdown

How do you sign up with raw on wwe?

By being a professional wrestler that has been trained and that has worked well enough somewhere else for WWE talent relations to notice you.

How do you work in the WWE?

First, you must have at least around 2 or 3 years experience in wrestling/professional wrestling. There are many ways to apply to WWE, such as contacting them or signing up for the reality show, Tough Enough.

Where do you sign up for WWE wrestling school?


What web do you go on to sign up for the wwe to be a superstar?

Sorry but it not that easy to become a WWE superstar

How old do you have to be to sign up for WWE?

18 years old

How do you audition for WWE Movies from WWE studios?

All you have to do is keep checking up on the wwe website for vacancies and if there are some then their will be this form sign up and see if ur the lucky one who could get picked!

How do you get wwe ppv for free? just sign up hope it helped

Can you join the WWE with out experience i like wrestling it's about making the fans happy and thanking the troops?

Unfortunately, No you can't you need experience. You can sign up for OVW ( also known as Ohio Valley Wrestling. They train you and if your lucky enough, when WWE scouts O

Why was Matt hardy released from the WWE?

Because his contract was up and was not asked to sign again