If you've already unlocked her, go to Story Mode. When the character select screen comes up, highlight Bubbles, press enter, and hold down.
It will be highlighted as Bell now, but their should be a thing saying 'Play As Shira Bell'
Are Kristen Bell and Drake Bell related, not is........................
Lauralee Bell's birth name is Lauralee Kristen Bell.
An agogo bell is a bell used in Yoruba and Brazilian music, typically played in pairs.
No relation :)
No, Kristen Bell is not single.
have sex with her
no.You have to unlokc them by getting zim survival bet him 2 or 5 times and you unlock zim and shira bell by beating level 9 or 10
press up
There are only two unlockable characters and one special option. Zim: beat 10 levels on survival. Note: Only playable in 2p mode. Shira bell: Beat story mode on at least nine stars with any character. Special options: Beat zim in survival.
First, you must have Zim Survival Mode unlocked. Play on Difficulty Level 9. Continues don't matter. At the end, Shira Bell should appear. After you defeat her, go to the main menu and start another game in Story Mode. Highlight Bubbles, then press Enter and hold Down. The highlight should be on Bell, but instead it should say 'Shira Bell'. Then press G, and you can play as Shira Bell!
You need Extra options you need Zim Survival mode then get 100 points in the mini game use deflect to get more then you can beat it oh and theres a boss when you on diffculty 10 when te oppent hits you it will say deflect then attack them 2. You don't exactly need Extra Options, but you do need Zim Survival Mode. Although, unlocking Shira Bell helps quite a lot.
pindutin ang naglalarawan na enter at hold baba
Java Toko Tataki Bell Willlow Shira Cody Mouse!
They battle for the Victory Bell
bell and ross watches ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 dollars depending on what kind you select because there is a wide variety of styles you can select from.
The cast of Rung - 2011 includes: Christine Horne as Nancy Shira Leuchter as Leanne Mike McPhaden as Bruce Marika Warner as Bell Ringer
YoU GeT ThE ClEaR BeLl WhEn YoU GeT ThE 8tH BaDgE FrOm ClAiRe YoU ThEn MuSt BaTtLe ThE KiMoNo GiRlS ThEy WiLl GiVe YoU ThE ClEaR bElL