Generally, you cannot get Justin Bieber to call or text you. You can try entering contests when available. Another way to try to reach out to Justin Bieber is through social networking apps such as Twitter.
its not a beriber its a belieber. a belieber is what justin bieber fans call themselves.
Call chris nrown. he will take care of rihanna for you.
This sentence makes no sense so heres the 2 questions i got from it What does JB call his fans? I believe he calls tham "beliebers" What do fans call JB? JB, no stage name
it say hi this is Justin will u marry me haha
Call Bieber please
Dail 019-3000 910 and follow the instructions hope this helps =)
Use the sleight of hand perk.
No, they called him Justin!!
She calls him Bieber. (:
No Usher does not call Justin Bieber young phenomenal.
For Xbox 360 it's the X (blue) button.
You Cant Hire Justin Bieber .
omg is the real and true Justin bieber
You Can Be Any Age to Phone Justin Bieber
They call him lots of stuff