Rufus Wainwright's birth name is Rufus McGarrigle Wainwright.
Rufus Hound's birth name is Robert Simpson.
His name is "Clancy"
Rufus was the name of the group in which Chaka Khan was the lead singer. They disbanded in 1983 after getting a Grammy for "Ain't Nobody", so they went out in style.
Kiefer Sutherland's birth name is Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland.
Rufus Wainwright's birth name is Rufus McGarrigle Wainwright.
Rufus Wright's birth name is Rufus Gerrard-Wright.
Rufus McCosh's birth name is Rufus E. McCosh.
Rufus Sewell's birth name is Rufus Frederick Sewell.
Rufus Bess's birth name is Rufus T. Bess Jr..
Rufus Le Maire's birth name is Rufus Ralph Goldstick.
Rufus Hound's birth name is Robert Simpson.
Lynx rufus or Felis rufus
Rufus Epheus
Canis rufus is the scientific name for a red wolf.