Well the word itself is a combination of Metamorphosis and Magus (which loosely means Wizard). The PH has an F sound. Sound it out..
A Metamorphmagus is a witch or wizard who has the ability to change their appearance at will, without the need for a wand, spell, or potion. Nymphadora Tonks was a metamorphmagus, and it appears that her son, Edward (Teddy), was also.
She is a Metamorphmagus (is able to change her appearance at will) and is a highly skilled Auror.
Klode Dakin is how you pronounce it.
We don't really know what happens in the future for Teddy and Victoire. Hopefully they will have stayed together and had awesome part veela metamorphmagus children, but unless J.K tells her fans, then we'll never know for certain.
You pronounce it Rashell Levair. Hope this will be helpful.
A Metamorphmagus is a witch or wizard who has the ability to change their appearance at will, without the need for a wand, spell, or potion. Nymphadora Tonks was a metamorphmagus, and it appears that her son, Edward (Teddy), was also.
Nymphadora Tonks is a metamorphmagus. This means she can change her appearance at will without potions or spells, it is very rare.
Yes, this allows her to change her appearance at will.
Nnymphadora Tonks is a metamorphmagus.
She is a Metamorphmagus (is able to change her appearance at will) and is a highly skilled Auror.
It is unknown but probably not. The metamorphmagus transformations seem to only allow people to change existing features, not grow new ones. So while Tonks could change her nose into a pig's snout it wasn't new because she had a nose.
See related links for a picture of the actor who will play him. He is called Luke Newberry.
Edward 'Teddy' Remus Lupin was raised by his grandmother, Andromeda Tonks but he payed the Potters frequent visits. He attended Hogwarts School. He was not a werewolf, but is a metamorphmagus.
een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)
You pronounce maui mow-E
You pronounce it like this "Say ha" that is how you pronounce Ceja.
You pronounce it as Page.