Cam like cam-era.
And gigandet like gig-gahn-deht
They're hard "g's" not soft.
James from Twilight does not have a last name. Vampires rarely have last names, and usually go by their coven name.
The real name is Cam Jansen. She's a child detective in fiction child's books who takes mental pictures.
what is a cam sensor plug
Gibbs cam
because why not
He has a sis named Kelsie His birthday is 16th Aug He likes Cookie Dough Ice cream
Twilight bad-boy Cam Gigandet's girlfriend Dominique Geisendorff gave birth to a baby girl on April 14th, called everleigh ray gigandet (so sweet!!!)... congrats cam and dominque.
Personally - i pronounce it Cam-meel
James from Twilight does not have a last name. Vampires rarely have last names, and usually go by their coven name.
Vsco prounounced visco
Vsco prounounced visco
CAM as in camera MEL as in melinda