Place a vessel loop twice around a vessel so that if you put tension on the vessel loop, it will occlude the vessel.
Joseph Hyde Potts died in 1865.
John Potts - Engraver - died in 1841.
He worked in phones 4 u or the carphone warehouse im not sure what 1.
Shana Potts
Hank Potts's birth name is Frank Potts.
Annie Potts's birth name is Anne Hampton Potts.
Cliff Potts's birth name is Clifton Vandyke Potts.
Lyman Potts's birth name is J. Lyman Potts.
Mahlon Potts's birth name is Mahlon Edwin Potts.
Malcon Potts's birth name is Malcolm Edward Potts.
Wallace Potts's birth name is Wallace Bean Potts.
The address of the Potts Camp Library is: 17 South Center Street, Potts Camp, 38959 0427
The modern word you are looking for could be 'urn' from the Greek 'hyrke' meaning earthen vessel. This is connected to Latin 'urere' meaning to burn, when pots were fired in a kiln
Eric Potts is 6'.
Jared Potts is 6'.
Roosevelt Potts is 6'.