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You choose your game, Beat Bop will play sounds, you got to obey the commands.

Flick it requires to flick the green switch

Shout It- Yell into microphone

Pull It- Pull knob

Twist It- Twist the dial

Bop It- Press the bop it button

Spin It- Spin the red wheel

Shake It- Shake the bop it

That's how you play bop it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

you level up on bop it by going through each part, for example it says twist it, and you twist the correct piece you would have past the first level, and so on its just that the voice that tells you to do everything, except the level. Once it will be game over then it would of told u ur score this will be the level you got up too. And also by the way if u forgot your score then u can twist the twisted part and it will tell u your best score.

! :) >3

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