Your first name initial, your last name initial, and your middle name initial is last. It is popular to get this kind of monogram on your collar or equipment in the English equestrian world (horseback riding)
Lou Ferrigno, I was just trying to find out who else because I'm making a clan in Killzone 3 with the initials WoLF.
Your initials are the reference initials. Like if your name is Konnor Krack Kid then your initials would be "KKK"
people with initials GO
What male singer has the initials c.a.
a list of american female singers with the initials P.P.
A monogram.
Monogram is something (initial or initials) put on a shirt or jacket.
His initials: R.L.S (Robert Louis Stevenson)
A monogram is a design consisting of two or more letters, typically the initials of a person's name, interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative way. Monograms are often used to personalize items such as clothing, stationery, or accessories.
She had her initials monogrammed on her new handbag.
form_title= Monogram Bath Robe form_header= Bring out your personality with monogram bath robe! Is this for yourself or a gift?*= () Myself () Gift What are the initials of the person receiving the robe?*= _ What color would you like the robe?*= _ [50]
In science, a monogram refers to the combination of letters, typically representing an individual's initials, used as a symbol to represent a scientist's name on a publication, research paper, or scientific work. It serves as a shorthand way to credit the author(s) of the work.
You can go to the Things Remembered website.
The monogram is basically L V put together to create the louis bag logo. It is basically the initials crushed together. This is a worldwide known logo.
The monogram of 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe is generally considered to be the initials "EAP" for Edgar Allan Poe. Poe was the author of "The Raven," a famous narrative poem published in 1845.
KEY-pos=position of speech monogram pos. noun The towels bore the monogram of the homeowner. monogram pos. verb The store will monogram the shirt for you.