just ask her, subtly, if she no than shes not ready, give her time than, maybe she'll come around to it, but let her know it's something that you want to do, tell her it will be healthy for the relationship.
ok i just totally screwed up a kiss so i know how you feel it's alright guys can be nice don't worry about it but i have read some of the answers to kissing questions on this website and they r all junk on be yourself and go with the flow...blah...we need something real like were do you put your hands of how do you move your lips......ok so when you kiss lean in a and slowly close your eyes when you touch lips just stay there and for like a second and then part your lips like a little and move ur head one way then close them this is when you break apart just a little and move your arms to around his neck. open them again and wiggle your lips. kind of like keep a balance of sucking and softness. after about 1 or 2 kisses like these do the same thing up till the arms around neck then get more serious trace your tongue around the edges of his lips and he will follow then slowly slip your tongue in and brush the inside of his cheeks or touch his tongue don't swivel around though it will be weird if you go on like this for awhile then wrap your tongue around his and move your lips faster around and up and down and breathe more heavily go from arms around his neck to into his hair or you can play around with the area around his dick he will be happy with this!! lol i think tell me how it goes!!
yes, he has a gf.
atticus mitchells gf
Yes, but he has a GF.
they have not kiss and and might kiss but have not kiss ^_^
His persona on Glee, Blaine Anderson, has been confirmed as gay. However, Blaine himself has been clear so far that although he is a supporter of gay's and their rights, he is not gay.
I sure did I did it at a park at the water fountain.
Well yeah evry bf should wanna kiss his gf!
its easier to kiss your gf/bf on the cheek if (in my opinion) your back is to a wall then kiss the cheek closest to u then the other
what i wold do is i would hug my gf or hold her hand
Yes, they are bf and gf and there are several pics of them kissing.
nope .. he said it on youtube .. he hasn't had his first gf yet
When a guy makes eye contacts with you, he is likely attracted to you. If he has a girlfriend, he probably won't kiss you.
hey im in 5th grade just do it unexpectedly whats her name mines alejandra
yes he has it wasnt with his gf a girl came up and kissed him
why not it makes sense flip the gf