i am a Muslim girl, and to greet a Muslim person, whether its a mother, father, sister, brother whatever.... you say :ASALAMU-ALAYKUM-WRAHMATULAHI-WABARAKAATUH
english translation : peace be with you and the blessings of ALLAH (swt)
Shawn Mendes Meet and Greet revolves around the theme of romance.
Many celebrities do meet and greets for events. If you'd like to do a meet and greet with Miley Cyrus, contact her public relations company and ask them for the details and costs.
No he was not muslim
no she is not a Muslim
There are different types of tickets for a Celtic Woman concert. There are a very limited number of Meet and Greet tickets and they are much more expensive than normal tickets. You get them on the site where you need to buy the tickets for the particular show on; they may be called Platinum Plus tickets or Meet and Greet.
It is obligatory on each Muslim to greet another Muslim, and respond to the greetings of the others. It is very bad not to respond to someone's greeting, be he of any religion. Human beings are basically brothers as all of them are the off-spring of Hazrat Adam (AS). Please do ignore the individual behavior of one person. The Muslims have very cordial relations with all humans living around them, irrespective of their caste, creed and color.
When Michael comes over for dinner make sure to greet him. Is that any way to greet your dearest big brother? The couple will greet all their guests that come to their wedding. The hostess must always greet her guest. I must greet 1,000 guest, oh boy!
His brother Jermaine became a Muslim.
al salam alykom brother
Yes, Jermaine is.
According to Christian standards, yes but idk about Muslim standards
Most people use typical Muslim greetings such as "Salaam Alaykum" - "Wa'alaykum as-Salaam", etc.
His older brother, Jermaine, has been a Muslim for the past 20 years and has spoken publicly about his faith. He reportedly talked to his brother about Islam and was hoping that he might convert. When announcing his brother's death, Jermaine commented, "May Allah be with you, Michael, always."
Yes, but he does not act like on.
Yes Michael's brother Jermaine Jackson converted to Islam as he thought it was a peaceful religion.
Yes, Jermaine Jackson is a Muslim.