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Your first step should be to make sure you've got your acceptance letter, your supplies, and your ticket for platform 9 and 3/4.

Assuming you've have all this, you'll need to go to Kings Cross Station in London England. Once you get through customs and everything, you'll need to get to this station before 11:00a.m (GMT). If you miss this deadline, the barrier will have sealed and you'll need to go to the Leaky Cauldron for assistance.

Once you get your luggage on a trolley, proceed to the area where platform 9 turns over to platform 10. You'll want to stand in front of platform 9, near platform 9-8. Now, you'll need to check and make sure no muggles (non magic folk) are watching. Once the area is all clear, proceed to run directly at the wall in front of you.

Now, if you didn't miss the train and splatter your brains (old wizard humor from back in the day), you'll find yourself in front of the Hogwarts Express. Give your ticket to the conductor and leave your luggage for the luggage taker to apparate your luggage to Hogwarts. Lastly, remember you're allowed to bring a small bag, purse, or suitcase on the Hogwarts Express. You may also bring your pet into your cabin.

Now, we'll begin rolling into Hogsmead Station at about 6:00, you'll want to be in your robes by this time. Once we arrive, if you're a first year you'll travel with Hagrid on the boats to the castle. If you're a second year up, you'll take the carriages. Rain, Snow, Sleet, Murderous Dragon Fire, the carriages go through it all.

The boats take about 30 minutes to travel to the castle and the trestles can get you here in about 10.

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