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you go to maro, he sells clothes and stuff and ask for a sheet. he will gove it to you. with the scissors make a costume! poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Q: How do you get the ghost costume in spineworld?
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How do you combine the ghost costume in spineworld with the mask?

you go to your inventory and you click the mask and select "use" and then click your ghost costume and there you have it!

How do you make the ghost costume in spineworld?

just get the scissor what that guy gave you and then put it on!

How do you wear the ghost costume in spineworld?

click on your charcter and click on your inventory and drag your ghost suit to the shirt icon and the ghost suit should pop up and then click on the ghost suit and wear it!

How do you get the mask with the ghost costume in spineworld?

You go to zorof and click the machine. Put the ghost costume and your mask into the slots. Then click the go button. If you go to gri dun after scaring that guy you have to scare, then he gives you it for a reward.

How do you do quests on spineworld?

just continue your adventure and than, there will be some quest that will let you make the ghost costume. yhhh=] In my opinon well, I'm a member sooo its wayyy funn for mee=]=]=]

How do you get scizzors on spineworld?

the guy in the aqua lounge will tell you how the squid in the den is his and how he wants it back but the bar tender wont give it him back. He asks you to dress up as a ghost to scare him into giving it him back then he will give you the scissors to make a ghost costume.

How do you combine ghost mask with ghost suit in spineworld?

press the mask and keep tight a hold till you reach the ghost suit then click the ghost suit

Are there any walkthroughs for spineworld missions?

It depends. If someone makes some then yea, there are. One on YouTube for ghost mission called "Ghost Mission on Spineworld". It's not entirely accurate, but it's pretty close. If u want, I can make videos of the free player missions on Spineworld. Just PM me on YouTube at 2DaftPunkLova2.Peace,VinceJr

Where do you get the ghost costume n

You get the ghost costume in the gift shop but Halloween already pasted so the gift shop now won't have the ghost costume, I think you'll have to wait until next Halloween to get the ghost costume.

What code is for an ghost costume unused in club penguin?

IT'S FANTASMA (Ghost Costume)

What is the best Halloween costume in club penguin?

Probably ghost costume. Or ghost detector

Where is the Club Penguin ghost costume?

The clubpenguin ghost costume is at the gift shop. you can't get it now because it's only sold on Halloween, you should have bought the ghost costume at Halloween