While in your locker room, press start. You then can add banners, posters, etc.
Hulk Hogan is unlockable in Smackdown! vs. Raw 2007.
No, but mr. McMahon IS in smackdown vs. raw 2008 and 2009.
if your talking about the ones in the locker room you cant
i don't know what is the password to extract WWe raw vs Smackdown password
No, they're not in Smackdown vs Raw 2011.
No, Smackdown! vs. Raw 2007 does not have Goldberg on it.
Batista is on Smackdown VS Raw, Smackdown VS Raw 2008, Smackdown VS Raw 2007 Smackdown VS Raw 2009, Smackdown VS Raw 2010 and will be in Smackdown VS RAW 2011 and so on...
No. There is no cheat codes selection in Smackdown vs Raw 2007.
The store in Smackdown! vs. RAW 2007 is in the locker room, on the computer.
i think smackdown vs raw 2008 is the best one
Zellers only sell Smackdown vs RAW 2007.
Hulk Hogan is unlockable in Smackdown! vs. Raw 2007.
No, you can't. Smackdown vs Raw is only a console game and you need the CD.
No, but mr. McMahon IS in smackdown vs. raw 2008 and 2009.