Go to the menu scroll down to match rules go down three times press x and take out the disc put back in after 2 minutes and 32 seconds hold r2 and r1 press X and it will work it works 100% for me and the smackdown vs raw team and jacks reserved so try it
buy the moves set in the wwe shop on season mode
Successfully complete Rey Mysterio's road to wrestlemania with rey mysterio set to ''good''.
A free agent in wrestling is not the same as free agent in sports. The term free agent basically means his contract had ended, and barring any restrictions hes free to sign with anyone. But in wrestling they often use the term keyfabe to set up story lines with a wrestler leaving one show (raw) to work on another (smackdown).
Here is how you make the referee bleed.... First, it is a good idea to create a superstar. It doesnt have to be something you like. Then, go to the move-set selection, and make all the moves of the superstar head-hitters. If not, just make most of them head-hitters. Finally, make a match that includes a referee, make it no DQ, and make your oponent bleed first. This weakens the oponent, and makes him down for a while (Oh, and its a good idea to make the difficulty easy), and that gives you the chance to get behind the referee as quick as you can. Use the moves that do headshots, and sooner or later, you will make the referee bleed (Funny thing, he wont react if you get too close). But it will waste your time, if your busy, because i did well, and it still took me about 30 min or so. Have fun (if you can).
I shall explain in the following bullets below: * You must be in an ECW Extreme Rules match. * You have to have full momentum bar. * You can only light on fire the table and the stick. * Press triangle while you are holding the wooden stick. Or... * Pres triangle while you are beside the wooden table (has to be set up) * Both of these things must be done with full momentum.
You can only edit the superstars Entrance, Move Set and Roster Selection in SmackDown vs RAW 2009.
you go in to create a move set and go into signature
you cant
I don't think you can unlock it. if you can you will have to complete a stipulation on a wrestler's road to wrestlemania. One of them will unlock a move-set.
It is set to release on 9th November -http://www.svrseries.com
Go to 'create a move set' and on the signature move menu, choose edge's signature from the list.
Go set up a match and then select arena Raw..thats all!!
Create a move set Superstar Undertaker Special moves Signature/finisher Select hells gate
yes get the temperate up to 500c and a mini game starts if u win your opponent gets set on fire
Yes at the title there are buttons push 'Create' then push 'Create A Finisher' and once it's made to give it to someone go to 'Create A Move-Set'.
Unfortunately, Goldberg is not in SmackDown vs. RAW 2011. You can, however, make him using the Create-A-Superstar feature, give him an entrance and customize his move-set.
I think you go on something like edit move set and click created superstar then click on the wrestler then click on finishers then click on your created signature move. It is something like that.